Many people are interested in finding beautiful modern Christian gospel music. It’s no secret that a lot of modern Christian music just isn’t especially high-quality. Many of the most talented musicians who start out performing gospel music quickly switch genres the moment that they become popular enough, which creates a selection effect that leaves the genre itself in the dust. Being able to fund the really talented Christian musicians can make all the difference in the world for the people who have always hoped to experience the beauty of really good gospel music. This Kickstarter campaign is all about making that a reality:
The Gospel music CD is called Holy is the lamb that was slain, and this is not a Kickstarter project that is going to demand all that much from the contributors. They will only have to spend around thirty dollars in order to get an MP3 of the entire album. The musician is even going to be able to offer them more materials for that low contribution of thirty dollars. This is not an album that is going to take too many resources to produce, which should make all the difference in the world for the people who understandably don’t want to feel as if they have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get the music that they like.
The songs on the album are written by the musician in question. Some of them are in the public domain. People are not going to have to worry about copyright problems. They can just contribute to this album because they want to be able to contribute to this album in order to support the talented Christian musicians who should not have to be at the mercy of the modern marketplace. They will make the album a reality.
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